Art/Business Mentoring

What do you get when you combine degrees in business, theatrical design, and IT? A Renaissance woman whose mind never stops considering the ways that ideas overlap and interact, and how we carve our own distinctive paths through life.

When Heather decided to take on a permanent studio, gallery, and classroom space in Northrup King Building (NKB), it was a defining step on her path as a professional artist. Artists today need to understand numerous aspects of running their own business and this can be a real challenge on top of doing the work of art. It is also not one that artists may enjoy or feel comfortable taking on.

It has been apparent that many artists struggle with the business aspects of being an artist-entrepreneur, from specific technical challenges to even knowing where to start in looking for help. Heather can provide help in figuring out what you need to do and how to get you started on the path that is right for your particular life as an artist.

Working at NKB for the past several years has been key in helping broaden Heather’s view of different ways that artists structure their businesses. It is home to hundreds of artists and numerous collective galleries, covering a wide range of art and creative works. In addition, the Northeast Arts District of Minneapolis is a thriving and well established arts community, with numerous events and arts organizations to provide support and opportunities for new as well as established artists. It has been a fantastic place to see the variety of ways that artists can not only do their work but also make their livings.